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Things 6th Graders Say

“I thought a virgin was somebody with small ears.” A few years ago a sixth grader really said this in a small group that I was helping lead. More recently another interaction with a Middle School student went like this: I asked, “Why did you get pulled out of your small group?”…

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Battle the Business Bug

School has started, homework loads have begun, Facebook venting is at a premium over the insanity of teachers & your students are nowhere in site thanks to this lovely word…BUSINESS. It’s sad when the fall hits and you actually anticipate a certain % decrease in attendance because of business—so why not fight it!…

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Why Does Your Youth Ministry Exist?

The beginning of a new school year is a great time to do a quick youth ministry “check up” .  A perfect question to ask is, “Why does our youth ministry exist?”  If you can’t clearly define why your ministry exists, then you will likely be tossed about by the most recent trends, the coolest fads, and the loudest voices. …

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25 Questions to Help Debrief Your Youth Ministry Summer Calendar

Last week we talked about debriefing your summer calendar, and we got a great response from it (largely asking the question, “how?”) and thought it might be good to devote a whole article on the topic. So today we’re going to list 20 questions to help you begin to evaluate your summer youth ministry calendar: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Equip your adult volunteers & students to grow as leaders in your ministry.…

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Summer Wrap-up/Fall Kick-off…a response

Summer. A time full of camps, retreats, pool parties, bbq’s. In most places, we scale back. Me? I scale back a lot. I take the summer to scale back, plan for the coming school year, and focus. This week’s SYM Today helped me reflect over the last 5 summers… My first one, I filled up my calendar “to keep the kids busy.”…

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